Maryland’s transportation building industry is on the brink of total economic collapse. 

Maryland’s heavily traveled roadways need additional investment to ease congestion & improve mobility. One big problem: Maryland’s Transportation Trust Fund (TTF) is facing a massive shortfall. If we don’t take action now, these financial deficits will damage our economy, infrastructure, and quality of life. We are urging our elected officials to address the growing shortfall in the TTF, and support the following legislative goals:

1. Create new revenue streams to make up for declining gas tax revenues, as well as restructure the gas tax to produce a consistent, sustainable flow of revenue sufficient to fund the engineering, construction, and maintenance of Maryland’s roads, bridges, and highways.

2. Establish regionally-based funding authorities in the Baltimore Metropolitan area and the Prince George’s, Montgomery, Frederick, and Charles County areas to produce enough revenue to fund and support regional transportation projects & efforts.

3. Continue using toll revenue & alternative financing methods, including public-private partnerships (P3s), to bring forth investment capital to modernize & improve our transportation infrastructure.

4. Resist any new proposals that would add significant new costs or lengthy regulatory delays to an already cumbersome project planning & approval process.

Delivering on these legislative goals is crucial for addressing Maryland’s persistent long-term structural funding problem and for revitalizing our struggling transportation construction industry. The resilience & strength of our infrastructure is of utmost importance, and without a solid foundation, Maryland’s economy will crumble.

The time is now. We need to ensure that Maryland’s transportation system is protected not only for years to come — but for generations.